Student Support
Looking after ourselves and each other…
There are different levels of pastoral care at College House, in addition to the many levels of care at University and the wider community. All students are also encouraged to look out for and look after each other.
Your House Leader is an approachable peer who will support you to solve problems and seek help if you need it. Our Residential Assistants (RAs) live onsite and they are there to support and guide you. They will be very willing to help you with any questions or concerns.
AP’s door is open. You can talk about big and small problems and AP will always help and support you. BM will always help and support you too. The most important thing to do is to talk to someone if you need to.
Pastoral Care Options
Who you can talk with:
House Leader– yours or another you might feel comfortable talking with
RAs – one of the six who live on site
Operations Manager
Students are encouraged to register with the University Health Centre, though they may register with any practitioner of their choice.
Our Kitchen Manager is very happy to discuss individual dietary requirements with you and we cater for all needs. Your health is important to us.
Academic support
College House students have a reputation for high standards and academic excellence.
Many of our students regularly obtain UC’s top awards and prestigious national scholarships whilst they are at College House and beyond. We have a strong commitment to study and learning, and all students are expected to share and support the academic culture at College House.
Our residential RAs and returners, as well as alumni, lecturers and other students from outside with expertise in many subjects, provide free academic assistance in a large number of first and second year subjects. It’s our top priority to help you achieve success in your academic courses.