Making a Gift
College House Donations
College House gratefully receives gifts of any size and value. Your contribution allows College House to help fund the immediate priorities and support current and future generations of students. Your generosity allows us to create a launchpad for their success.
College House is a registered Charitable Trust (CC23176) and gifts over $5 are tax deductible for New Zealand taxpayers. All our donors will be recognised by printing your name in the Alumni Magazine annual publication and on our website, unless you prefer to remain anonymous.
Donate now
To make a donation by bank transfer please pay into the following bank account,
noting your Surname and Restore.
Bank account: 01 0797 0068079 002
Every gift that we receive through our Annual Giving Appeals are important and appreciated. All donors’ names will be recognised in our magazine and on our website. There is also a Scholarship Fund (SF) and BM’s Discretionary Fund (DF) available to donate to.
If you would like to discuss further support for College House, please do not hesitate to contact us at ea@collegehouse.org.nz or 027 254 6655.
You can give to College House by any of the following and flexible means:
Annual Giving
Annual Giving allows the entire College House community the opportunity to support College House. Many of our supporters choose to make regular contributions, monthly or annually, big or small in this way. These regular donations are popular as they provide critical and predictable support for College House.
To find out more on Annual Giving, please click here.
Professor David Maidment (1968-70) and Dr Helen Maidment, illustrious College House benefactors.
1850 Bequest Society
Leaving College House a bequest is a special way to support the House.
Please email Executive Assistant at ea@collegehouse.org.nz or call
+64 27 254 6655 to find out more.
You can sponsor an event, such as an alumni reception, a publication, or an exchange visit.
Please email Executive Assistant at ea@collegehouse.org.nz or call
+64 27 254 6655.
Gifts in Kind
Gifts in kind include such things as property, a book or collection of books, an artwork or collection of artworks, jewellery, bonds and shares. You’ll have the pleasure of knowing students will appreciate your gift now and into the future.
Please email the Principal:
Richard Taylor principal@collegehouse.org.nz
Phone: 03 364 2245.