Fresher Scholarships
Scholarships funded by our community reward and assist deserving first and second year students.
Fresher Scholarships for 2025
College House Entrance Scholarship
The College House Entrance Scholarship of 50% of the annual fee will be awarded, considering the following factors: a demonstrated financial need, academic ability, service to the community, cultural and sporting involvement, leadership potential and benefit to the applicant from the scholarship. Applications for the Entrance Scholarship open in August 2024.
Please contact the office for the application documents office@collegehouse.org.nz from August 2024.
The closing date for College House Entrance Scholarship applications is the 25 September 2024.
First Year Scholarship
Three First Year Scholarships are available for first-year students who have demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities and excellence in their academic, cultural, or sporting pursuits. Applicants should have a track record of successful participation in school or community activities, with a clear motivation for excellence. They should also show expertise and leadership in a particular field, as recognised by peers and adults. Applications are open for this scholarship when an offer of place has been accepted by a student for 2025.
Returner Scholarships
Returner Academic Scholarships and Leadership Awards
The following scholarships are available for UC students in their second year at College House:
Lyall Holmes Memorial Scholarship, for a student enrolled in an engineering course at UC.
Buller & Reay Scholarship, for students enrolled in any course at UC, but usually awarded to arts, and visual and performing arts students.
Rowley Scholarship, for a student enrolled in any course at UC, but usually awarded to science and commerce students.
Mary Olif Davey Scholarship, for students studying zoology, botany, biology, chemistry or biochemistry.
These scholarships are awarded on the basis of first year examination results and so a copy of your results must accompany your application. As a guide, in previous years successful students have had an A+/A average.
These scholarships are fee rebates and are not awarded as cash amounts. Applications must be received by mid January.
Special Memorial Scholarships
Two memorial scholarships are offered for returner students:
George T Weston Scholarship: A one-off award to a maximum of $2,000. This scholarship is awarded to a returner member of the House who is regarded as a valuable contributor and someone whom College House wishes to acknowledge for the contribution that they will make for the benefit of others during the year ahead. Awarded at the discretion of the Principal in October.
Crowley Weston Scholarship: Open to returner students who are studying for a law degree. This scholarship is awarded to a maximum of $4,000 to the highest achieving law student in their first year, end of year exam results. Applications close at the end January in the year applying. Awarded in March.
Other Special Awards
Mclaren East Scholarships: Recipients are the House Photographer, House Videographer, House Audio/Visual person. Awards are presented at Formal Dining in late September/early October each year.
In any year, the College House Board of Governors may supplement the number of awards in certain subject areas where there is a number of high achievers.
For more information on these scholarships and how to apply, please email the office.
Special Memorial Scholarships
Lyall Holmes Memorial Scholarship
Buller & Reay Scholarship
Rowley Scholarship
George T Weston Scholarship
Crowley Weston Scholarship
Mary Oliff Davy Scholarship
College House First Year Scholarships
With your help, we can grow our scholarship fund. You can ensure our existing scholarships keep pace with inflation and enable us to offer more.
BM's Discretionary Fund
This fund enables BM to help a student in need: unable to afford an essential piece of equipment for study, or the cost of travel to take part in a competition, or for an emergency trip home. A substantial gift could allow a student to stay on for a second year.
You, the donor, may have a personal connection with the student, if appropriate, and you and the student both agree to the arrangement.

How to give
If you would like to contribute to our scholarship programme please click the button below.